Rick Ross’s ex-girlfriend, Tia Kemp, abruptly ended her live session on social media after being interrupted by a police officer during a clothing promo. The unexpected interruption occurred while Kemp was passionately promoting a clothing line, urging viewers to demand payment if they hadn’t been compensated on payday.
In the midst of her animated promo, Kemp addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of being paid promptly. She urged viewers to take action if they hadn’t received their dues, even suggesting confronting family members if necessary, including mothers and fathers. Kemp’s fiery rhetoric and no-nonsense attitude captured the attention of her audience, who were undoubtedly entertained by her bold statements.
However, the live session took an unexpected turn when a police officer appeared on the scene. Kemp, startled by the interruption, quickly ended the broadcast, expressing concern about potential trouble due to her previous activities. Despite the abrupt end to her live session, Kemp managed to maintain her composure, swiftly exiting the store and heading home.
The incident serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of live broadcasting and the challenges faced by individuals who engage in candid and unfiltered content on social media platforms. While Kemp’s promo was cut short by the unexpected presence of law enforcement, her spirited advocacy for prompt payment and her dedication to promoting the clothing line were evident throughout the broadcast.