Hollywood star Robert Downey Jr., who won his first Oscar for Best Supporting Actor at the 96th Academy Award, found himself at the receiving end of host Jimmy Kimmel’s barbs during the opening monologue. Kimmel aimed two sharp jabs at the actor, including references to his past struggles with substance abuse.
A still from
However, the joke seemed to fall flat as the actor looked somber, gazing at the camera before gesturing for Kimmel to proceed. While it remains uncertain if the star was in on the jest, body language expert, Judi James, has analyzed Downey Jr.’s reactions, suggesting that the situation may not have been as straightforward as it seemed.
Robert Downey Jr.’s Reaction to Jimmy Kimmel’s Quips at the 2024 Oscars
Jimmy Kimmel took the Oscars hosting duties for the fourth time at the 96th Academy Awards and has since become a topic of discussion for a series of controversial jokes in his opening monologue. One of the most notable among them was his quip at the star Robert Downey Jr.
Jimmy Kimmel at the 2024 Oscars (image via Jimmy Kimmel Live! | YouTube)
“ he said before responding to Downey Jr’s reaction with, He also added,
” alt=”Kevin Feige Admitted Robert Downey Jr. Going Off Script In The Most Badass Scene From First Iron Man Movie Changed MCU Forever” data-lazy-src=”https://fwmedia.fandomwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/12092314/kevin-feige-robert-downey-jr.jpg” />
Kevin Feige Admitted Robert Downey Jr. Going Off Script In The Most Badass Scene From First Iron Man Movie Changed MCU Forever
The Oppenheimer star at the 96th Academy Awards (image via Jimmy Kimmel Live! | YouTube)
The star, however, did not seem to react too much to his jokes, as he kept a solemn expression. And a body language expert, Judy James has now analyzed the actor’s reaction and has suggested that although he seemed annoyed at the jokes, he still had a hint of humor in his response.
Body Language Expert Analyzes Robert Downey Jr’s Reaction
In a recent interview with The Mirror, body language expert Judi James dissected Robert Downey Jr.’s reaction to Kimmel’s controversial joke at the Oscars. She contrasted the actor’s nonchalant response with the exaggerated reactions of other stars, stating,
Robert Downey Jr.’s reaction to the controversial jokes (image via | YouTube)
” alt=”Robert Downey Jr. Compares Himself to an Animal as Oscar-Winner’s Jab at His Dark Past Outdoes Jimmy Kimmel’s Flimsy Attempts to Humiliate Him” data-lazy-src=”https://fwmedia.fandomwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/11123550/jimmy-kimmel-show-robert-downey-jr.-oppenheimer.jpg” />
Robert Downey Jr. Compares Himself to an Animal as Oscar-Winner’s Jab at His Dark Past Outdoes Jimmy Kimmel’s Flimsy Attempts to Humiliate Him
On the question, if the actor was “ over the jokes, James suggested that Downey’s apparent annoyance was part of a growing trend among celebrities to adopt
The expert emphasized The Avengers star’s known sense of humor and suggested that the exchange between the Oscar host and the actor was While noting that Downey Jr. looked “,” she also explained that his features remained softened, suggesting a hint of humor in his reaction.
Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man in a still from
“ said Judi James, concluding her analysis.
” alt=”Robert Downey Jr. Went From Getting Blacklisted in Hollywood to Earning $453 Million For Playing Iron Man- RDJ’s Journey to Oscar Will Inspire You” data-lazy-src=”https://fwmedia.fandomwire.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/11071354/robert-downey-jr.-went-from-getting-blacklisted-in-hollywood-to-earning-453-million-for-playing-iron-man-rdjs-journey-to-oscar-will-inspire-you.jpg” />
Robert Downey Jr. Went From Getting Blacklisted in Hollywood to Earning $453 Million For Playing Iron Man- RDJ’s Journey to Oscar Will Inspire You
Robert Downey Jr. has faced significant struggles with substance abuse and law earlier in his life. Although the actor has recently opened up about such issues, he famously left an interview during the promotion of in 2015 when questioned about his history of substance abuse.