Domestic Violence is a worldwide social illness and the fact of the matter is no woman, no matter how elite or privileged she is, is immune to it. In an attempt to raise awareness and unveil the shockingly true face of how widespread and commonplace domestic violence really is, artist aleXsandro Palombo has created images of the most famous female celebrities for the “No Woman is Immune from Domestic Violence” Campaign.
The images created using Neo Pop Art feature the most internationally followed and influential women including the likes of Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus, Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Kristen Stewart.
Take a look at the battered, violently distorted and bruised faces of some of the world’s most glamorous women.
The idea behind these drawings was to awaken eyes of common people that even the women who live the fairytale, high life can be victims of this social evil.
The artist and activist, Polambro stated that “The biggest accomplice of violence is the silence, a silence which every year kills or causes permanent disability more than diseases or accidents. Domestic violence is a social cancer that knows no boundaries nor social status, it can affect anyone, whether you’re an ordinary person or a celebrity.”
“To defeat him you need to use the antidote of culture by educating and raising awareness on Respect and Equality. Each of us has to do their part to help increase awareness and to change things by any means,” he opined.
The artist has worked on other similar famous, viral campaigns including Disney Princesses surviving Breast Cancer and the Simpsons go to Auschwitz.
It is a lesser known fact that the current superstar, instafamous and uber-controversial Kim Kardashian was a victim of domestic violence in her previous marriage to Damon Thomas, the music producer who used to punch her and slam her against walls. She was married in January 2000 and got divorced in 2003.