One Piece Chapter 1114: Causing Huge Chaos, World Governments Are Unable to Stop Dr Vegapunk’s Message (Screenshot)
JurnalNews – The Egghead arc continues with high intensity every week, however, the most exciting part that fans have been waiting for throughout this arc will most likely come next, in One Piece chapter 1114 .
One Piece chapter 1114 will be very important not only for the Egghead Island plot, but also for the rest of the story to come.
As always, the reactions of the people of the world are very important, and One Piece chapter 1114 will most likely cover those details.
However, no one can ignore Dr Vegapunk , considering his reputation, and at the same time, the ongoing ordeal in the world of One Piece, and the sinking of many countries.
This will cause great chaos in the world, and most importantly, it will be a huge defeat for the World Government .
They were unable to stop Dr Vegapunk’s message, and this would be their first defeat, despite bringing all five Elders to Egghead. Thus, the world will see the beginning of the end.
With the truth revealed from the World Government, this time there was nothing left to hide.
The people of the world will start open rebellion, leading to open war against the Government.
This will be a very important round and people’s reactions are something fans will have to watch out for.
One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. This series can be read by fans officially and for free on Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus application.